Moda – Sorrento Technology Center

An existing four building technology complex in Sorrento Valley was in dire need of an upgrade. The original facilities lacked street presence and campus cohesion. The task of this modernization was to give the complex and identity that aligns with the high-tech/bio-tech nature of the tenants and unify the buildings into a cohesive campus. A sharp line in the form of a new canopy edge and storefront cornice was used as an organizing element to visually draw buildings together at each street frontage with covered walkways. The canopy steps up to signify tenant entrances. The existing service alleys separating buildings were joined together in a series of habitable outdoor rooms and activity areas, creating social hubs that draw tenants together and provide areas for social interaction.
Paso Laret Suiter and Associates provided Civil Engineering design services to Hanna Gabriel Wells Architects for the improvement and modernization of the Sorrento Canyon Technology Center. The scope of work included the challenge of retrofitting the complex to comply with current stormwater regulations, including the design and installation of TreePod Biofilters by Oldcastle Stormwater Solutions. To learn more about TreePod Biofilters and other proprietary stormwater treatment devices, click here.